Anyone who has read my Transforming Healthcare Together or my two-chapter contribution to Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church is aware that these writings are heavily documented. I was reported to the PA Department of State in early 2021 for my contribution to the latter, citing the fact that I wasn’t qualified to write on the subject. I informed the investigator that the complainant likely hadn’t even read my work as I addressed that head-on by referencing 100+ expert citations. Since that writing in the fall of 2020, I have immersed myself in countless articles and books regarding Covid. This blog post is a compilation and distillation of those thoughts, sans multiple citations—not because they are not available, but that isn’t the purpose of this post.
Promoting truth involves exposing lies, and that is the purpose of this post. Even as I write, the International Covid Summit 3 has convened in Brussels, Belgium from May 2 to 4th. What they are saying will be ignored by the mockingbird mainstream media, or if covered, be disparagingly referred to as “anti-science” or “anti-vax.” Never mind that one of the speakers is Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the technology behind both mRNA and DNA vaccines (of which the Covid jabs are the first)—now firmly opposed to them, and who I follow regularly here on Substack. Or Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care intensivist and one of the founders of the FLCCC Alliance, who I also follow here. Or Dr. Ryan Cole, an independent (key point) pathologist from Idaho whose license has been threatened for speaking the truth. Here he is pictured just behind me to my right and also lecturing at the AFLDS (America’s Frontline Doctors) White Coat Summit in San Antonio, Texas on July 24, 2021. (The short gentleman peeking just under the microphone is my friend Dr. Steve LaTulippe, an amazing Oregon physician whose license was stripped in late 2020 by the Oregon State Board of Medicine, who declared him a public health threat and imminent danger for practicing medicine in his private clinic without masks and who at that time successfully treated 200+ Covid patients, all of whom returned to work in about a week.)
All of the above nonsense could only have occurred if a number of lies were firmly in place, and if the public was made to believe those lies. This public included the vast majority of churches, most of whose leaders have not yet repented for leading their flocks to buy the narrative or who hid behind the anemic “you don’t know who to believe.” Following is a summary in roughly the order they were released. Each could be a chapter or two or even a book. This is just a summary overview.
Lie #1: This is a very dangerous disease.
Certainly, there were people who died from Covid, and we mourn every one of them. We had 3 or 4 (depending on how cause of death is determined) patients in our practice die of (or with) Covid. That number was no higher than any other time period in our years of practice.
We had several patients with extended hospital stays or ones who ended in the hospital that we didn’t expect. However, for the vast majority of patients who sought early treatment, hospital trips/stays were avoided (see lie #6 below). There is certainly a big debate as to whether Covid was simply the flu (influenza A/B) renamed. In the hundreds of positive Covid swabs we ran in our office, we only had approximately 6 flu cases over several years—a very odd phenomenon.
Lie #2: This is a novel disease.
It turns out that patents on coronavirus extend as far back as around 1998. This is thanks to the patent work done by Dr. David Martin, also speaking at ICS3 above. In our research for our Coronavirus book, my coauthor and cardiologist friend Dr. Daniel O’Roark sent me a journal article (I believe from around 1998) naming SARS-CoV1, SARS-CoV2 (the supposed 2019 novel coronavirus named in early 2020), and SARS-CoV3. I’m not great at math, but that’s 22 years before its arrival. That’s hardly “novel.”
Lie #3: You can spread this illness even if you’re not sick.
For the first time in history, healthy people were quarantined because of a completely unproven phenomenon known as “asymptomatic spread.” Translated, that means people who aren’t sick can still spread a disease! It reminds me of Jack Nichols’ line from As Good As It Gets, “Go sell crazy someplace else; we’re all stocked up here”!
This theory seemed to find its popularity in an editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine around February 2020 written by—you guessed it—Bill Gates. It does beg the question why a computer scientist turned philanthropist would be writing a medical journal editorial—but then nobody’s asking.
Quarantine of the sick is definitely a proven public health tool; in fact, it’s biblical. And if one good thing came of Covid, it’s what our grandmothers always told us—if you’re sick, stay home. But quarantine of the healthy finds no evidence to back the practice and was complete lunacy. I realized the idiocy of this thought process when I recognized that I would need to quarantine myself from public for the rest of my life, because I see sick people every day!
Lie #4: There is a very effective test for Covid.
For better or for worse, we used rapid antigen nasal swabs in our office and went through hundreds of them. Most patients found it at least satisfying to know they either did or didn’t have Covid. That test may have been slightly more reliable than the faulty PCR test, which was known to give “false positives” up to 97% of the time. (A false positive means you don’t actually have the disease even though the test says you do.) Which meant we were really dealing with a “casedemic” rather than a pandemic.
Lie #5: Masks and social distancing are effective at preventing spread.
We had at least several decades of solid scientific research demonstrating the essential inefficacy of face masks—even surgical masks—in stopping any sort of viral transmission. Then those studies started to disappear. One particular study was written by a well-qualified dentist in 2016. When I went back to re-read the study, I was met with the belittling editorial comment, “If you’re looking for such and such study, it has been removed, as it is no longer relevant in today’s climate.” Really?! Since when is expunging data or research acceptable? Challenging conclusions with new data? Certainly. That’s how science progresses. But expunging and removing data which contradicts a narrative? I don’t think so. I cover this in detail in my book above.
The “new research” emerging which supported face masking and social distancing was primarily computer-generated hypothetical models, not actual research. And with years of research all supporting one conclusion—face masks do not work—being replaced by research that supports the exact opposite conclusion, one only needs to say, “REALLY?!”
And as if to add insult to injury, Christians who insisted others wear face masks did so at great risk to the imago Dei. We are created in the image of God as either male or female. And how do you identify that image? By one’s face. You can look at someone’s shape and guess who it is, but it’s not until you see someone’s face that you know who they are. Masking that face defies God’s image and identifies that face by default with evil. Did the Ku Klux Klan ever do their night raids with open face? Are satanic rituals ever done without masked faces? Do robbers ever rob banks without ski masks? Yet all of the sudden it became appropriate—in fact even required—to enter a store WITH a face mask! And you couldn’t walk between Sunday School rooms in church hallways without putting on a face mask—an act of idolatry I refused to participate in.
Did you ever wonder what would have happened if everyone would have simply stopped wearing masks and social distancing and went about life as normal? I can tell you. Nothing would have happened. Actually, something would have happened, and that is the illusions of safety and “me protecting you” would never have occurred. After 2 weeks of half-hearted mask-wearing in the early days of Covid, we stopped wearing them in our office and saw 100s of sick people as we had done for the previous 20 years. And nothing changed. We didn’t get sick, and we didn’t transmit any sickness to others. I know of no Covid case spread from our office despite treating hundreds of Covid patients in our office.
Lie #6: There is no effective existing treatment.
In order to get FDA EUA (emergency use authorization) approval for nephrotoxic meds like remdesivir and Covid vaccines, there could be no acceptable treatment. (For if there is a treatment, then by default an
EUA cannot exist.)
Despite the fact that meds like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin showed remarkable antiviral properties in both practice and research (we’ve used both with great success in Covid) and had been used for other illnesses successfully for decades, these repurposed drugs used legally and legitimately “off-label” were suddenly the most toxic drugs around. My drug database side effects for ivermectin went from a few to many—almost overnight. Again. REALLY?!
Never mind the fact that ivermectin was hailed as a miracle drug for curing African river blindness and is highlighted in the “Sightless Among Miracles” monument erected in 1995 in Fulton County, Georgia.
Never mind also that William C. Campbell (and 2 others) won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for his/their work with ivermectin.
Lie #7: The only effective treatment is a vaccine, which is “safe, effective, and free.”
We were initially told that the vaccine would prevent you from getting Covid. And then it didn’t. And then we were told that you could still get and transmit Covid even if you were vaccinated. Yet you should still get two shots and two boosters. In fact, an annual shot may be recommended! Because one only lasts maybe 3 or 4 months.
It’s hard to keep track of the data, but there’s 45 times as many deaths from 2 years of Covid shots than with all flu shot vaccine deaths since 1990. And it appears that Covid vaccines have injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million, caused more than 300,000 excess deaths, and cost the economy approximately $147 billion since their rollout, according to this analysis.
The billboards used to say a Covid shot is a shot of hope, because it’s safe, effective, and free. But then they went away. Because they are neither safe nor effective nor free. In saner times, government vaccination programs were shut down at less than 50 deaths.
Lie #8: Anyone who disagrees with any of the above is an enemy of science, the state, their fellow human comrades, and most likely the church.
It don’t think I really need to say anything about this one!
In the future, I will write more about why I believe the church is culpable.
But I have patients to attend to in the morning, and it’s past my bedtime.