ICU Doc Lost License for Prescribing Vitamin C
Yes, you read that right. That’s essentially the gist of what happened to Dr. Paul Marik, a leader in developing a revolutionary and life-saving protocol for sepsis (infection that can lead to death). I’d encourage you to read the entire story on Dr. Mercola’s website. It’s about a 20-minute read. Dr. Mercola has himself been subject to much censorship and I believe the powers that be allow his articles to only stay up on his website for 72 hours (and you thought you lived in a free country?).
This isn’t exactly Sunday morning inspiration. But it’s what’s on my mind after my morning Bible reading of Saul’s vitriolic hatred for and insane pursuit of Israel’s next king, David.
I would like to say that I won’t always write about Covid. And I won’t. But I also won’t say that. I told LuAnne in 2020 that this will be written about, analyzed, and discussed for decades, and so it will. For if we do not dissect and correct the nefarious (did you know there is a new highly acclaimed movie by that name in theaters this weekend?) and egregious errors of our past, we will be condemned to repeat them with greater intensity. I suspect that in this relative calm (for example, many hospitals gave up mask-wearing this week, over 3 years too late), there is already a genetically altered and patented bioweapon in some lab in some Wuhan territory just waiting for release. You recall a few days ago that I stated that highlighting goodness, truth, and beauty also calls for exposing evil, lies, and ugliness.
Below is a screenshot from the Mercola article. It is disconcerting to wake up at age 54 (actually, this awakening has been happening for at least a decade for LuAnne and me) and realize that a significant amount of my training has been based in lies and subterfuge.
The silver lining comes in the pursuit of truth, which makes us free, as Jesus said (John 8:32). King Saul pursued an irrational lie which eventually led to suicide on his own sword. King David, as flawed as he was, humbly pursued truth and is known as a man after God’s own heart (I Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22). Which choice will you make today?